The Testerin building
La Teste de Buch town centre: local history and pride
Did you know that La Teste de Buch is one of the largest communes in France in terms of surface area? There’s plenty to do in Testin territory. Start with a stroll through the city centre and its monuments, some of which are centuries old!

A stroll through a lively city centre
You’re in one of the oldest towns in the Bay of Arcachon, which has a lot to offer – oyster harbour, Prés Salés, Dune du Pilat... and why not start by visiting its small town centre, to meet its buildings and inhabitants? “Quand on arrive en ville…” sang Daniel Balavoine in Starmania. Here in La Teste de Buch, nobody changes their pavement. It’s a great place to live. And stroll around… like tourists who’ve come to enjoy!
Tour of La Teste de Buch: the centre’s buildings
Take advantage of a market day to wander the streets of the town centre. “We said we’d meet in ten years’ time, same day, same time, same apples...”. Of course, the Place des Grands Hommes is just a few dozen kilometres from La Teste de Buch, in Bordeaux. Here, you can let yourself be carried from Place Jean Hameau, once the heart of the town, to Place Thiers and Place Gambetta.
Just next door, don’t miss the Maison Lalanne: once the home of several famous Testine families, it now houses the municipal library. A few streets further on, the Church of Saint-Vincent reveals its classified artefacts and its freshness!
How do you pronounce La Teste de Buch?
It’s a real question, and one that our friend Google is frequently asked. Welcome to the capital of the Pays de Buch, part of the Landes de Gascogne forest! Here’s something you might like to remember: La Teste de Buch is pronounced like a “buchE”. Just a pine tree!
JEAN HAMEAU (1779-1851)
We would have loved to have rubbed shoulders with him, this local boy who went off to study medicine in Paris. A former mayor of La Teste de Buch, he was at the forefront of the vaccine concept. A certain Pasteur continued his work 50 years later!
Pratical informations
La Teste de Buch town centre
Explanatory panels criss-cross the town to tell you all about the history of its monuments.
Boutique souvenirs
L’Office de Tourisme a sélectionné des artisans et créateurs locaux pour vous faire (re)découvrir le savoir-faire et les produits locaux : décoration, accessoires, jeu, livres et plein d’autres cadeau à faire à vos proches… Ou vous faire plaisir bien sûr !